Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Let the Walker Beware

Buenos Aires is a very dog-friendly city.  Dogs of every variety--both off-leash and on--sit placidly on corners, outside restaurants, lounge in the parks.  Although there is a legal limit of 8 dogs per paid walker, we've seen upwards of 12.

The dogs and dog-owners seem incredibly well-behaved, but the idea of picking up pooch's poop has not yet caught on, so WATCH YOUR STEP!

We've also noticed lovely and varied patterns in the sidewalks--and frequent unmarked cutaways for plants.  This can mean easily loosened stones and unexpected changes underfoot. 

The heartbeat of Buenos Aires is slow, but there are so many people out and about that there is still ample opportunity to bump into others, especially when the girls in school uniforms stop en masse to look at a shoe sale window.

While drivers actually stop at red lights (something Austin drivers might consider), they are not without their crotchets.  Turning right, they downshift and charge through no matter who is in that pedestrian walkway.  Your walking green is no match for the Ford Escort tearing around the corner so:  Caveat Pedestrian!  

Today near our hotel a gas truck and crew blocked the sidewalk and half the street.  I've smelled gas at this spot on two occasions but since folks with their lighted cigarettes passed without consequence, I figured I was over-sniffing it.  The gas company must have concluded otherwise and while they dig, pedestrians walk in the street.  But walkers stay on the sidewalk most of the time, cross with the light and rarely jay-walk.  It's all so civilized.

One other thing:  all those lovely apartment balconies lining every street, the ones with all those pretty green plants? They mean you will get dripped on.  Take it in stride. We are sure it is clean rain water collected to water the plants, and not an impatient dog up there.  Right?  Right?

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