Saturday, March 13, 2010

Colleen and Colleen

In my life, I have known two women named Colleen. They have both been inspirational.
The first is Colleen Cleary, who died one year ago this week. While her brain tumors took her out of the physical plane, believe me her spirit continues to be a powerful force in the universe. Among other things, Colleen Cleary taught me to feel my feelings (something I was decidedly NOT in favor of at the time), to up my bliss level, to consider that there just might be more options and to trust and follow my heart. While it may be very easy to tell folks these things (especially to trust and follow the heart--hyeah, right), teaching them how--and loving them while they try and falter and try again--is another thing entirely. Thanks Colleen.

The second Colleen, Colleen H. has a blog called Cranky Girls Farm ( Now I have known this Colleen for a few years, and have delighted in the adventures of her amazing kiddos. We've even taught Sunday School together. But only in reading the blog have I come to appreciate her depth and humor. Truly I feel very lucky to read her funny, sad, angry, intelligent, frustrated, loving, always honest insights. Farming? Parenting? One foot on the farm and one in Austin (and loving both places beyond distraction)? Yup, I read you Colleen. And love every minute of it.

It is through the inspiration of both these Colleens that I gather the gumption (Does one really gather gumption? Or does it just spring up like a toadstool? Regardless...) to begin my own blog.

Did I mention that both Colleens, being beautiful both in general physical terms and in graceful demeanor, have enviably gorgeous hair? Hmmmm...I wonder if there is a spiritual connection.


  1. You write well, dearie, and I am already a fan. What a thrill to meet Maya Angelou! And to know the Colleens. Hugs to you and your physicist, and yeah, save the planet.

  2. I am definitely adding this blog to the 'It's Been a Long Stroll From Union Valley Road' book. love you bunches!
