Monday, April 5, 2010


Sitting on the floor at the Dallas airport, waiting for a new plane, Catbird called T-Mobile to find out just how onerous the roaming charges would be in Banff. But somewhere between the automated phone tree, hold, and the live voice, Catbird got the giggles.

Banff is such a funny word and so very fun to say.  It sounds like a curse word and has enormous versatility.

Oh, why don't you just go Banff yourself!
Eat Banff!  
Banff off.

Even my physicist got tickled with Banff up a rope.  We are not sure the T-Mobile customer service representative was as enamored as we were, but Banff him.

This morning, we awoke to an outdoor temperature of 17 degrees (with a windchill of 9) and all Catbird could say to that was:
Holy Banff, what were we thinking? 

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